There is always a start?

So today I decided to write a little more. It's taking time to put my thoughts together and after what has been a bit of a rubbish weekend in some respects. I decided to get my head together enough to at least write a little more. 

I guess every story or event always has a start, just I can't really remember mine. 
Maybe from what my family say around 11 years ago... could be longer, it started with falls, loss of time, I have always been a sleeper, I love sleep so I never really thought much about this. I never thought much of the falls, just classed myself as clumsy. It was I think the start of what could be my journey. 

I was tired so much of the time. I was so busy with life and everything around me I never gave it much thought.

It wasn't until one afternoon at work 8 years ago when I really started to be concerned something else was wrong. At first I thought it was a migraine I suffered with them from my teens, but this was far worse. My vision was almost gone completely, I lost speech, I lost the feeling in limbs. The people and friends I worked with were also concerned. They called for help thinking it was a stroke or some kind of seizure. Family were called to collect me from work. I was completely unable to control my body or anything around me. I could hear people talking around me, trying to make sense of what they were saying. I was aware but unable to respond. I will be honest it scared me. It was also the start of one of a very frustrating journey. 

Doctors appointments were made.. referrals to specialist Neurologists were made. New symptoms appeared. I spent times unable to walk, my limbs there but unable to control. The involuntary movements were the worse. I was embarrassed and I was in pain. No one could give me answers. I was referred to see physiologists, physiotherapists, the list was endless. The more people I saw the more the medication list grew which had it's own issues.  

For almost 2 years I was passed from doctor to specialists. All of who had one answer. They just didn't know..but had a new medication to try. I was in a constant circle of days when I would be able to do basic tasks to days when I slept for days on end. Every evening going to bed not knowing what the next day would bring. Finally a suggestion was made of a diagnosis of Hemiplegic Migraines with FND... Functional Neurological Disorder. I started to research some seemed to fit, a lot did not. I was slowly starting to lose the faith. I questioned the doctors the specialists. My GP agreed there was more. 

This was after 5 years.. another diagnosis was suggested... Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Fibromyalgia. I felt at this point I had lost all hope. More specialist, more medication. Endless. But it was just the start. 

Like I said this weekend has been a little rough but I at least wanted to make a start. In future posts I will try and get a few more facts and maybe a little less personal but for now it is a happy weekend to all and gentle hugs!


  1. Much peace and love to you - from your SL daughter Jalea - Love you SO much. I am with you and you are not alone. So happy you are writing this blog. I hope it helps you too <3


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