A little introduction

So I am a little new to this whole blogging thing so thought I would give it a go!
I have been a virtual world traveler for over 10 years now in various form.

Anyone familiar to Second Life will know how many ups and downs virtual worlds can bring, from long standing friendships which ignore the miles which separate us in the real world to fleeting moments which leave us at times confused and dazed.

At present I have just returned to Second life after a bit of a break and wow has a lot changed. Mesh bodies. Mesh Heads. Something called Bento? It's all enough to confuse the hell out of anyone, so I thought I would start to explore more, learn more and hopefully find a way of catching up with all the changes! Without of course boring the hell out of anyone who might decided to come and read this.

So here is my journey, it's time to start over. I'm a noob once again!


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