The Hidden Me.

Today I wanted to make a change. I want to do something positive. I want to raise awareness. Therefore I have changed by blog slightly. It will be more personal, it will be the side of me that many of you do not see.
Most of you reading this will know me as Lily or Lil, some know me as the real me. Either way most of you at some point see the person I create online the one behind a keyboard you see the laughs, the jokes.. what you don't see is the person behind the keyboard. Holding onto everything to keep it together. In a battle between pain and fighting ever changing symptoms. Distracting from the pain, the tiredness the endless cycle of new medication, which the doctors say 'might' help. When really they are as clueless as me with what will and won’t work.
After what has been an up and down few months. I thought long and hard before I decided to start writing this blog and realised why not turn this into positive and raise awareness.
So this is the start of me and my story. It has good days it has bad day... as an introduction today I will share a video from a complete idol of mine. Jennifer who has spent her time fighting the stigmas surrounding what can sometimes be class as invisible illness before I start to share my story. Please if you can take the time to watch.
In time as I put my thoughts together I will be writing more.
Much loves

#MillionsMissing #MEaction #investinME


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