So today I decided to write a little more. It's taking time to put my thoughts together and after what has been a bit of a rubbish weekend in some respects. I decided to get my head together enough to at least write a little more. I guess every story or event always has a start, just I can't really remember mine. Maybe from what my family say around 11 years ago... could be longer, it started with falls, loss of time, I have always been a sleeper, I love sleep so I never really thought much about this. I never thought much of the falls, just classed myself as clumsy. It was I think the start of what could be my journey. I was tired so much of the time. I was so busy with life and everything around me I never gave it much thought. It wasn't until one afternoon at work 8 years ago when I really started to be concerned something else was wrong. At first I thought it was a migraine I suffered with them from my teens, but this was far worse. My vision was almost gone comple...
Today I wanted to make a change. I want to do something positive. I want to raise awareness. Therefore I have changed by blog slightly. It will be more personal, it will be the side of me that many of you do not see. Most of you reading this will know me as Lily or Lil, some know me as the real me. Either way most of you at some point see the person I create online the one behind a keyboard you see the laughs, the jokes.. what you don't see is the person behind the keyboard. Holding onto everything to keep it together. In a battle between pain and fighting ever changing symptoms. Distracting from the pain, the tiredness the endless cycle of new medication, which the doctors say 'might' help. When really they are as clueless as me with what will and won’t work. After what has been an up and down few months. I thought long and hard before I decided to start writing this blog and realised why not turn this into positive and raise awareness. So this is the start of ...
So I am a little new to this whole blogging thing so thought I would give it a go! I have been a virtual world traveler for over 10 years now in various form. Anyone familiar to Second Life will know how many ups and downs virtual worlds can bring, from long standing friendships which ignore the miles which separate us in the real world to fleeting moments which leave us at times confused and dazed. At present I have just returned to Second life after a bit of a break and wow has a lot changed. Mesh bodies. Mesh Heads. Something called Bento? It's all enough to confuse the hell out of anyone, so I thought I would start to explore more, learn more and hopefully find a way of catching up with all the changes! Without of course boring the hell out of anyone who might decided to come and read this. So here is my journey, it's time to start over. I'm a noob once again!
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